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Occupation Certificates

James Fan, an associate of Pikes and Verekers Lawyers, attended and spoke at a seminar for the Association of Accredited Certifiers on the topic of final occupation certificates under Part 4A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Up until issuing the final occupation certificate, the principal certifying authority (PCA) is responsible for monitoring compliance with conditions of consent relating to a development. The issuing of a final occupation certificate by a PCA is an important stage in the carrying out of development as it is meant to verify that works carried out to a building deem it capable of being used or occupied in accordance with building code requirements. Further, the issuing of a final occupation certificate verifies that relevant requirements under a development consent or complying development certificate have been satisfied.

With certificates under Part 4A being the subject of notable litigation in recent years, the seminar was a timely reminder on the responsibilities of a PCA in the development process.  

At Pikes and Verekers Lawyers, we have vast experience on the topic of Part 4A certificates and can provide timely and practical advice to certifiers, developers as well as those concerned about the development process.

